Pastor Jeff here with a quick note about last night… Few times are more soul-nourishing for me than our all-church prayer nights. I loved our time last night confessing, trusting, seeking, resting. God’s presence felt almost tangible as we began to confess our sins and trust God’s goodness. It was a rich time together of pressing into God’s grace. One person wrote:

“Definitely felt the Spirit freeing us last night in our time of prayer as one by one, we all began to let our masks down and confess our sin–our real sins. There was a sense of real freedom and healing that came as we functionally realized how silly it is to hide in the shadows and maintain appearances, forgetting that God has accepted us because of what Jesus has done for us…”

For those of you who weren’t able to make it, I wanted so much for you to enjoy this time with us. These are some of my favorite moments in the life of our church, and I know you would love them too.

I’m attaching the prayer guide from last night for those that would like to pray on their own, as a family, or in a redemption group. It may be a little difficult to navigate without some guidance, but hopefully you will be able to make some use of it.


Love you all,