PP_Servant King (1)

“We carry inside us a vision of wholeness that we sense is our true home and it beckons us.” – Frederick Buechner

You are invited to spend the next year with us exploring the life of Jesus, but we want this to be more than just a Bible study. A study of Jesus would be fantastic, since no figure in human history is more fascinating than Jesus. But we believe there is more to Jesus than just a life well lived. We believe that Jesus came to rescue us, to restore us, to call us into a redemption story that he is writing in our world.

So, our invitation is to more than an intellectual study. Sure, we will think deeply, but we will also seek to believe deeply. Some of us may come to believe for the first time. We must go beyond considering the claims of Christ and learn to surrender to the person of Christ. We want to invite you beyond a belief that the Bible is the Word of God to actually meet the Jesus of the Bible. He is not dead. He is alive. We seek to know him personally. It is only in knowing Jesus that we can find our true home.

Would you dare with us to live by faith that Jesus can make a difference in you?

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