RSM Summer Schedule

Main event 3Students, it’s summer time! We are going to have a lot of fun this summer with bible study, pool parties, baseball games, laser tag, etc! Make sure to look at the schedule so that you can join us this summer. Click here to download a pdf version of the calendar.

Our summer schedule will be different, mostly meeting every other week with a few exceptions. Meetings are 6:00-7:30pm, unless noted otherwise.


Main event 204 Pool Party 6-8pm (1400 Fox Lake Ln, Edmond 73034)
12 Bible Study (Jeff and Stacey Tate’s house)
19 No Bible Study
26 Bible Study (Jeff and Stacey Tate’s house)


03 No Bible Study
10 Faith Night at OKC Dodgers Ballpark
17 No Bible Study
24 Bible Study (Justin and Kristin Wade’s house)
31 No Bible Study


07 Bible Study (Justin and Kristin Wade’s house)
13 End of Summer Party

*Tate’s address (1221 Pine Ridge Circle, Edmond, OK, 73034)
*Wade’s address (5990 Buffalo Hill, Guthrie, OK, 73044)