A Call to 40 Days of Focus

In June 2020 we sent out a churchwide survey.   There was a question that asked about areas of greatest struggle.  48% (the largest percent) of those who filled out the survey chose “self discipline & time management” as an area of struggle.  We want you to know that we hear you and we want to…

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Redemption Kids Reopening

  Redemption Kids Steps to Re-open Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigate this season in Kids Ministry.  We know kids are missing their friends, volunteers are missing the kids, and we’re all missing the richness that comes with teaching, game, and hands-on time when we come together in-person. Some things to…

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RestoreOKC Service Opportunities

As we think about ways we can engage our world and serve our community, we want to encourage you to pursue opportunities at RestoreOKC and help those in your Small Groups and Serve Teams do so as well. Restore OKC seeks to bridge relationships of reconciliation between races and economic classes by serving the physical,…

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We’re Back at Cheyenne! – Safety Plan

We are excited to announce that we will resume weekly in-person gatherings at Cheyenne Middle School starting July 12th at 10:30 AM. The safety of our guests, volunteers and staff is very important to us. As we begin to meet again in person we want to make you aware of the steps we are taking as…

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Some Thoughts on Engaging Our World 
and Talking about Race

In a world filled with a constant stream of information loaded with so much emotion and tension, many are wondering how the church should respond. So, I am writing to share with you how we are thinking about these times we are living in. First, let me say that I think some longer and slower…

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New Staff Member – Chace Ifland

We are happy to introduce you to a new staff member at Redemption Church — Chace Ifland. Chace is joining our team as Community Coordinator. At this time, this is an unpaid position, and we are grateful for Chace’s investment in our ministry. In this role, he will provide direction and support for connection, membership,…

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RSM Summer Breakaway 2020

RSM Summer Breakaway 2020 It’s been a crazy couple of months! We know so many things have changed for you and that many losses have been part of your school year ending. We made the decision to cancel our summer camp based on information on hand and educated projections (Student Life has since cancelled all…

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Watch Party Details for Hosts

Hospitality in an Inhospitable Season As our community begins making changes and watching how those changes unfold, there will be many reactions and opinions and agendas that want to take hold.  Here’s the thing, though, for us. We are the Church.  We are the ones for whom Jesus said “even the gates of hell cannot…

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Online Worship Watch Parties

Let’s Get Ready to (Watch) Party! In June, we will host weekly Watch Parties as we re-open in person gathering. Watch parties are Sunday morning gatherings in homes or other venues where people connect to participate in online church together. We want to create spaces where we can invite every one connected to Redemption Church…

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All-Church Outdoor Gathering – May 31, 2020

We hope you will join us for our first in-person outdoor gathering on May 31st at Edmond Railyard in Downtown Edmond! We have rented the large outdoor seating space for a couple of hours for a time of encouragement, updates, singing, and vision for the coming weeks. The outdoor space is set up well for…

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