ADVENT – the Christmas season

As part of our celebrating the coming of Jesus we will be observing the season of Advent together in our corporate worship gatherings as well as making some tools available to help families observe at home. What is Advent? Advent comes from the latin word Adventus meaning “coming” or “arrival”. It is a season of…

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Giving the Gift of Affirmation

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35 ESV) As a church, we desire to see Jesus made…

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Parents, On Sunday, October 18th, we are inviting Pre-K through 5th grade children to join our worship gathering. It will be a fun day for our church family to be together. We wanted you to know so that you were not surprised. Our service will be fairly normal; however, we are making it a shorter…

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Developing a Personal Relationship with God

In his sermon, Pastor Jeff challenged us to seek a real, personal relationship with God over the next 30 days. A healthy walk with the Lord includes investing our time in prayer and in the Word of God. Best practices for most involve a consistent time and place as well as a plan for prayer and bible…

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Team Member Spotlight | Michelle B.

Michelle serves on our Events Team and Redemption Kids Toddler Serve Teams. Thanks, Michelle, for sharing what you enjoy about serving at Redemption Church! How did you hear about Redemption Church? A friend in my stay at home mom group mentioned Redemption Church to me, so I thought I’d give it a try. I felt home…

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Group Life Spotlight | Spencer C.

We asked Spencer to tell us about his experience with his Redemption Group. Thanks, Spencer, for sharing your story! Paden Group | Sundays at 5pm | Meets near Sorghum Mill & Kelly (map) | Email Leader Click here for a list of all our current Redemption Groups! How has being a part of your Redemption…

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Team Member Spotlight | Nathan A.

Nathan serves on the Host Team at Redemption Church. Thanks, Nathan, for sharing your story with us! How did you hear about Redemption Church? Chris and Erryn Gray. What do you enjoy the most about working on your Redemption Serve Team? Working on a Serve Team provides me the privilege to experience the joy serving…

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Ephesians is a deeply significant and beautiful book. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=”#Ephesians #church #TheMysteryofUs”]The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge referred to Ephesians as “the divinest composition of man.”[/inlinetweet] Another person called it the “crown jewel of the New Testament.” Ephesians is also an immediately relevant and applicable book, dealing with our personal identity, life-purpose, marriage, parenting, work-life, and…

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Group Life Spotlight | Brett G.

We asked Brett to tell us about his experience with his Redemption Group (Wright Group). Thanks, Brett, for sharing your story! Wright Group | Meets on Tuesdays near Danforth & Bryant (map) | Email Leader See the full list of Redemption Groups: Redemption Groups List 08.30.2015 Is there any one particular thing that you look forward to the most…

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Team Member Spotlight | Michelle J.

Michelle J. serves on our Redemption Kids Serve Team. Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your story! How did you hear about Redemption Church? I heard about Redemption through Melanie Lawrence. When we tried Redemption for the first time, everyone was so friendly and our kids loved their classes. My daughter was very excited to tell us…

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