Check out our new video capturing the heart of Redemption Church! We are excited about our new location and time @ John Ross Elementary | 10:30 am. each Sunday. We would love for you to join us. Redemption Church Vision from Redemption Church on Vimeo. Grateful shout out to Cameron Ingalls for his art, work, and generosity…

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What are the greatest gifts you have ever received? Have you ever received a gift so great that you knew you would treasure it forever? In this series, we will explore gifts that God wants us all to enjoy. These gifts make up the core values and commitments that help authentic followers of Jesus navigate this…

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Roadmap to Sunday Mornings at John Ross

August 24th @ 10:30am | Sunday Morning Grand Opening! We are moving to Sunday mornings at John Ross! This is an exciting time in our church as we begin this next season of ministry here at Redemption Church! This is the date that we recognize not as the finish line, but as the starting line…

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Aug. 6th | Move to John Ross Prayer Gathering

Please make plans to join us in praying at our new location of John Ross Elementary. This will be a time to seek the Lord, to ask Him to draw many people to meet Jesus for the first time, to pray that God might raise up many as authentic followers of Jesus, to pray for the students and employees at…

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Each of us builds a life through the daily decisions we make. The Bible speaks of the choices of life that allow us to build wisely or foolishly. In this sermon series, we’ll mine some clear and practical teaching of the Bible for wisdom that works in the day-to-day stuff of our lives. With the…

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We are in the final week for Phase 1 of our Move the Mission campaign! We hope to reach our goal by Friday, June 6. If you would like to invest in this project, now is the time.  Click here to GIVE. Here is a 90 second video update from Pastor Jeff about our progress, including a target…

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MOVE UPDATE | Praying for Others, Praying for Us

Our small groups are currently studying prayer, and we have been reminded how much we deeply depend on God’s presence and provision. We want to be a people that knows how much we need God and learn to pray as a way of life. We are praying that Christ would be formed in us and in…

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Transformation, Not Information

Ran across this quote today and was reminded of how important group life is: “There is a big difference between being informed together about God’s word, and being formed by one another with God’s word.” – JR Vassar Our goal is transformation, not information. We want to see Christ formed in us–to become more like…

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MOVE Phase 1 Funding Update

Last week, we shared the plan to phase our MOVE project, which enables us to move our worship gatherings to Sunday mornings at John Ross Elementary. In order to make this happen, we need to raise a total of $80,000 by June 8th. Each of the chairs in the poster below (click to enlarge) represent an equivalent…

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We are excited to share this update with you on our MOVE the MISSION Campaign, which will enable us to move our worship gatherings to Sunday mornings at John Ross Elementary. In this update, we provide an update on the funding progress, and our next steps to start services in August!  Move The Mission Update…

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