In his sermon, Pastor Jeff mentioned that best practices for “looking to Jesus” in the new year included having a consistent time and place as well as a plan for prayer and bible reading.  We wanted to pass along a few bible reading plans that may help you as you walk with Jesus this year.…

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Freedom. We all want it. Nobody is against freedom, but how many of us truly live like we are free? Galatians is about unlocking the freedom that came to us in the gospel of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Many in Christian circles think the gospel is the free offer of grace that is the…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 27 – Praying for Humility

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 All of the Scriptures point to one thing, the goodness of God. His greatness, majesty, and worthiness of praise.…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 26 – Praying for RedemptionKIDS

I love that almost 51% of Redemption church attendance is found in the kids’ classrooms, from babies to 5th graders. These kids have already been the focus of much prayer at Redemption. Primarily, that focus has been seeking Jesus and asking for His help in teaching these kids to love Him. Jesus taught that kids…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 25 – Praying for Elders

Acts 6:4 “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Whether it is a new church like Redemption or an established church, Elders are sometimes expected to play every role in the church from janitor to spiritual leader. As our launch date of January 12, 2014 approaches, it is…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 22 – Praying for a Heart for the Needy

I am grateful that Redemption Church began its initial Thanksgiving serving meals and fun to a local area perceived to be poor. It also was encouraging that our church spent time in prayer for the extreme poor of the Philippines when they were so totally devastated by typhoon Haiyan in November, remembering especially the children,…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 21 – Praying for the Fatherless & Widow

Throughout the old and new testament are instruction pertaining to the care of widows and the fatherless. God cares for them, and expects us to care for them as well. Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained…

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