30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 11 – Praying for Generosity

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 When we think of giving we tend to think in terms of financial contributions. And for many of us, giving financially is an easy escape from the deeper generosity…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 10 – Why Should We Continue to Pray?

Last week I discussed that when we pray we should pray according to the will of God. Now, if we believe that God is sovereign and that He will carry out His will no matter what, then why should we pray? We should pray because God has graciously decided that He will only work through…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 9 – A Culture of Forgiveness

Culture is the sum product of the behaviors that a given people value. If a group of people value hospitality, then their behavior will be marked by the many ways they express their hospitality towards others. If a people value generosity, then it will be obvious to all by the way they give of their…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 8 – Love

Church is about people, not programs. This is not to diminish programs and ministries, which are essential, but they are important because they enable ministry to people. People are primary. The struggle for a church is to keep the main thing the main thing-­‐-­‐we are here to connect people to Jesus and to one another…

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We are grateful to hundreds of people who are helping to make Redemption happen. This would not be possible without your prayers, encouragement and financial contributions. We wanted to give you a 2013 year end update and pass along some exciting news about what’s ahead in January 2014. This has been an exciting year —…

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30 DAYS OF PRAYER | DAY 3 – Praying for All Nations

“My House Will Be Called a House of Prayer for all Nations.” -Mark 11:17 Susana Franco and Fanny Mena live in Guayaquil, Ecuador, a tough city of maybe 3 and 4 million souls on the Pacific coast. Susana holds degrees in dentistry and theology. A decade ago God called her to a special ministry and Susana…

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