Descent of the Spirit, Ascent of the Church – Acts 2:1-13: Reflection Guide

Key Terms Pentecost – The Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks (Ex. 34:22; Lev 23:15-16; Deut 16:9) that occurred 50 days after Passover (pentecost literally means “fiftieth”); many Jews travelled to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival. Galileans – People from the northernmost region of Israel, called Galilee; Galileans were often thought of as…

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Acts Introduction Packet

To help us study the book of Acts, we’ve put together an introduction packet with background information for the book of Acts, key topics in the book, verses to memorize, and more. Please download the packet below and use it to help you better understand this incredible book of the Bible. Download Here

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Readiness for the Mission – Acts 1:12-26: Reflection Guide

Key Terms The women – In addition to Jesus’ twelve male disciples, Jesus also had several female disciples including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna (Luke 8:1-3), Mary and Martha (Luke 10:48-42), and likely others who are not explicitly named in the gospels. Baptism of John – John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare…

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Glad Hearts, Bold Church – Acts 1:1-11: Reflection Guide

Key Terms Theophilus – The recipient of the book of Acts and also the recipient of the gospel of Luke. Kingdom of God – The rule of God over his people in his creation, which is now present in the physical world, but is awaiting completeness (or fullness) at the second coming of Christ; however,…

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Leadership Equipping Workshop Video

On August 27th, Derrick Kelsey from the Embassy Church in Denver led our latest Leadership Equipping Workshop. Derrick started our time in Jeremiah 29:7 where God tells the Israelites who have been exiled to Babylon to “seek the welfare of the city.” Although Edmond, Oklahoma in the 21st century is a very different place than…

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Yearly Discipleship Plan

At this time of year, many of us make New Year’s Resolutions. We want to eat better, exercise more, follow a budget, read more, use technology less, or any number of things. But this is also a great time of year to pause and evaluate our relationship with Jesus and to identify changes that we…

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Leadership Equipping Workshop | Full Audio

  Our mission as a church is to make authentic followers of Jesus who live for the glory of God and the good of our world. Another term for making followers of Jesus is making disciples. This means that our primary goal as a church is to see non-believers become disciples of Jesus and to…

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Back to School Prayer

Back-to-school time is both an exciting and stressful time for most families. As we’ve seen in our Sermon on the Mount series, we have a good Father in heaven who wants us to bring our worries, needs, joys, and all things to him in prayer. As students prepare to go back to school this month,…

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