
Who will you pray for by name for the next 6 weeks? Stop by the More Than Project booth this Sunday and fill out a By Name card.

As we prepare our hearts for Easter and the celebration of Christ’s victory over sin and death, we encourage you to choose at least one person who does not know Christ to pray for them, by name, everyday until Easter.

The By Name Initiative seeks to help our church focus on intercessory prayer on behalf of those who do not know Him. It is a commitment to pray every day until Easter for at least one person by name asking for God’s saving and renewing grace to break into their life.

No one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. No one in the early church would have imagined that God’s grace would reach Saul of Tarsus, but God’s grace interrupted his life and rewrote his story. The one who had once tried to destroy the faith began to proclaim it. The one who was the greatest opponent of Christianity became its greatest missionary. Imagine if each person in our church, armed with that conviction, made a commitment to pray everyday for at least one person by name, pleading for the salvation.

Please stop by the More Than Project booth this Sunday in the front lobby and fill out a By Name card. 

We also want to join you in prayer. Fill out this form indicating who you are committed to praying for everyday until Easter.

I am committed to pray by name for ____________________.

Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still. E.M. Bounds