The Hero of the Church – Acts 5:12-42: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms An angel of the Lord – Greek angelos kyriou (“a messenger of the Lord”); although the word angelos simply means “messenger,” in the New Testament the term angelos kyriou always refers to angels, not merely human messengers. Gamaliel – A prominent Pharisee who was a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish…

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Built Up or Broken Down? – Acts 4:32-5:11: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms The resurrection of the Lord Jesus – A historical event in which Jesus was raised from the dead. This event is central to the teaching of the apostles in the book of Acts (see Acts 1:22, 2:31, 4:33, 23:6, & 26:23). One heart and soul – The first century Greco-Roman hearer…

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Bold Prayers – Acts 4:23-31: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Herod and Pontius Pilate – The two Roman officials men primarily responsible for questioning and executing Jesus. Herod was the ruler of Galilee, where Jesus was from, and Pilate was the ruler of Judea, where Jesus was arrested. Chief Priests and Elders – These were Jewish leaders who enjoyed a great…

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What Do You Believe About Jesus? – Acts 4:1-22: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees – Some of the most influential people in Jerusalem. The captain of the temple was the second highest ranking priest (after the Chief Priest) and was responsible for policing the temple. The Sadducees were a group of rabbis and priests who…

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Leadership Equipping Workshop | Jan. 23rd, 2021

Saturday, Jan. 23 at Vintage Church from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM One way we seek to be an equipping church is through hosting leadership equipping workshops. These take place on a Saturday morning and are focused on equipping leaders for the work of the ministry. If you are seeking to grow as a leader…

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Watch Party Details for Hosts

Hospitality in an Inhospitable Season As our community begins making changes and watching how those changes unfold, there will be many reactions and opinions and agendas that want to take hold.  Here’s the thing, though, for us. We are the Church.  We are the ones for whom Jesus said “even the gates of hell cannot…

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Online Worship Watch Parties

Let’s Get Ready to (Watch) Party! In June, we will host weekly Watch Parties as we re-open in person gathering. Watch parties are Sunday morning gatherings in homes or other venues where people connect to participate in online church together. We want to create spaces where we can invite every one connected to Redemption Church…

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When Will Redemption Church Regather in Person?

In a little letter written to people he loved, the Apostle John shared how he felt saying, “Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.” I know how…

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Leader Equip Workshop: Inside-Out Leadership

  This workshop is open to anyone in the church who is interested or wants to grow as a leader, and it is expected for our group leaders and serve team leaders. We will meet via Zoom on May 2 from 9:00 AM -11:00 AM. We will have a leadership specialist who will teach along…

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Group Leadership Equipping Workshop

            This workshop is for Redemption Church members who are looking to grow as group leaders. Current group leaders are required to attend as a part of their on-going training. The workshop is also open to members who have led groups in the past or are seeking to become group…

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