A New Day, A New Community – Acts 2:42-47: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms The apostles’ teaching – The Early Church gathered in public at the temple and in homes to hear the apostles (those who had been with Jesus) teach; we get a glimpse of what they taught in the various sermons in Acts (see Acts 2:14-40, Acts 7, Acts 13:16-41) as well as…

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Descent of the Spirit, Ascent of the Church – Acts 2:1-13: Reflection Guide

Key Terms Pentecost – The Greek name for the Jewish Feast of Weeks (Ex. 34:22; Lev 23:15-16; Deut 16:9) that occurred 50 days after Passover (pentecost literally means “fiftieth”); many Jews travelled to Jerusalem to celebrate the festival. Galileans – People from the northernmost region of Israel, called Galilee; Galileans were often thought of as…

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Readiness for the Mission – Acts 1:12-26: Reflection Guide

Key Terms The women – In addition to Jesus’ twelve male disciples, Jesus also had several female disciples including Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Susanna (Luke 8:1-3), Mary and Martha (Luke 10:48-42), and likely others who are not explicitly named in the gospels. Baptism of John – John the Baptist was sent by God to prepare…

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Glad Hearts, Bold Church – Acts 1:1-11: Reflection Guide

Key Terms Theophilus – The recipient of the book of Acts and also the recipient of the gospel of Luke. Kingdom of God – The rule of God over his people in his creation, which is now present in the physical world, but is awaiting completeness (or fullness) at the second coming of Christ; however,…

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A Snowy Sabbath Resource List – Feb. 14, 2021

First, watch the four-minute video above, then see the list of resources below. Sabbath wasn’t our idea — it was God’s idea. In fact, one of the ten commandments spoke about our need to set aside a day without work and productivity. But it wasn’t just a “day off.”  It was a day focused on…

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Authentic Faith: Exploring the Book of James

Ever wonder if your faith makes a real difference? A dead, work-less faith is worthless, and true religion ought to make a real difference in our lives and in our world. The message of James is that we are not saved by works, but we work because we have been saved by faith. Authentic faith…

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Stay Awake – A Continuation of Mark’s Gospel

In Mark 10-13, we see a call to stay awake to the things of God. From the story of Blind Bartimaeus who receives his sight through Jesus’ wake up call about being ready for the end, we are told to put our faith on full alert. In many ways, these were dark days in the life of Jesus. He is constantly challenged…

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