Give Redemption | Summer 2017

Hey Redemption Church, just a few things as we head into summer:

First, we want to give you an update on where we are financially as we are nearing the end of our fiscal budget year. This past week, pastor Jeff gave us a quick summary and prayer time over our current state. Listen below:

Financial Update: Taking the Training Wheels Off
Our church is making the transition to becoming self-sufficient as a church plant and to pay our own bills. From July to April of 2017, our average monthly giving was $43,000; however, April was significantly behind that mark. Here are the numbers:
April Giving: $33,826
May Giving: $29,071(to date)
General Fund Cash as of April: $13,015

Our fiscal year runs July through June. As we near the end of our 2016-2017 fiscal year, we are needing $78,819 by June 30th to cover expenses.

Second, we hope you have a wonderful time traveling and enjoying extra time with family over the Summer months. Grace and peace over you as you rest! Third, we want to remind you that even though you may be away or taking a break from your regular rhythms, our expenses as a church do not. Please remember to stay faithful with your giving through the Summer.

One easy way to do that is to set up automated payments through your bank or use our online giving tool.

To set up automated giving through our website, click here.

Automated Giving Tutorial from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

Lastly, here are a couple ways to engage your heart as you consider giving. Jesus saved us through the generous gift of his life, and his life serves as a model for us. Last summer, Pastor Jeff gave us 3 keys to follow through as we seek to be generous with our lives.

  1. Give to God first.
  2. Commit to a plan.
  3. Let Christ be your model.

For more on how to live generously, click here and listen to our sermon series The Grace of Generosity  (use the ‘Browse Series’ tab)

We want to reach new people and make disciples for generations. This will not be possible without each of us contributing to the cause of Christ in our church. As we prepare this summer for the coming fall school year, will you help us make redemption happen with your generous giving?

Thank you for your generous support!