
In Redemption Kids we’re regularly asking the question: ‘what does it look like to be a kid who is an authentic follower of Christ?’ Our desire is to come alongside parents in answering this question and to model what it looks like to follow Christ at every age.

Every Child Has a Church at Redemption

The most authentic thing about childhood is unhurried joy in every part of life. We value this outlook and seek to create such an environment for each child who comes our way. When this value intersects with desiring to follow Christ, something happens that allows for transformation beginning at a young age.

What we value in Kids ministry

  • Teaching from God’s Word specifically aimed at young minds and hearts
  • Spiritual sensitivity to the specific faith journey of every child
  • Allowing questions and conversation with hard things
  • Hands-On activities that stimulate the senses and creativity inherent in every child
  • Fun and games for the sake of fun
  • Repetition of biblical truths in a way that is easy for young minds to absorb
Kids Teams

Birth - 3 years

Pre K - 2nd Grade

3rd - 5th grade

Team Leads
Rotation Leads