Message: “Alive in the Mission of God” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” How should Christians relate to those who are outsiders to Christian faith? This is an important question, especially in our complex and often contentious times. In these verses, Paul closes his letter with a call to be fully alive in gospel mission to the world around us as we prayerfully, wisely, and winsomely make the most of every opportunity.

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Message: “New Creations at Home and Work” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” How does new life in Christ affect our relationships? This week, we explore the ways in which being made alive together in Christ works out in everyday life — in our family and in our work. When Jesus is at the center of our relational world, it transforms and reorders everything under his leadership.

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Message: “Growing Up in Christ, Part 3” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Most of us want to grow spiritually, but how exactly are we supposed to go about it? Over these four weeks, we will seek to answer this question and help you move toward spiritual maturity with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we talk about reasonable and unreasonable expectations for our spiritual growth.

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Message: “Prayer & Worship” from Chris Clark

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Most of us want to grow spiritually, but how exactly are we supposed to go about it? Over these four weeks, we will seek to answer this question and help you move toward spiritual maturity with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we explore how our spiritual renewal leads us to put away our old habits and patterns and put on new attitudes and actions that look like Christ.

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Message: “Growing Up In Christ, Part 2” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Most of us want to grow spiritually, but how exactly are we supposed to go about it? Over these four weeks, we will seek to answer this question and help you move toward spiritual maturity with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we explore how our spiritual renewal leads us to put away our old habits and patterns and put on new attitudes and actions that look like Christ.

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Message: “Growing Up In Christ” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Most of us want to grow spiritually, but how exactly are we supposed to go about it? Over the next four weeks, we will seek to answer this question and help you move toward spiritual maturity with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we see how embracing our identity in Christ transforms us from the inside out.

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Message: “Common Mistakes Spiritual Seekers Make” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Humans have an innate desire to connect with the divine, and this leads people to pursue spirituality through a variety of paths. In this section of Colossians, Paul deals with missteps which lead people into false spirituality that limits the freedom and fullness of their experience of life in Christ.

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Message: “Theology in Life” from Chace Ifland

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Last week in our study of Colossians we looked at one of the most Christ exalting passages in all Scripture in which Paul described Jesus as the cosmic creator who also died for you and me. It’s incredible, mind-blowing truth. But if we’re honest there’s often a disconnect between what we know intellectually about Jesus and our daily experience of life with Jesus. This week we’ll see the importance of growing in our understanding of Jesus and how we can begin to connect theological truth to our daily lives.

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Message: “First Over All” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Who is Jesus to you? Many people think of Jesus as a positive influence, a great philosopher, a wise friend, a freedom fighter, or a kind humanitarian. In this famous passage, we see Jesus the cosmic Christ who is far more than a good human — he is a divine human. We learn that we need to know who Jesus really is and what he’s done for us so that we can discover who we really are and all that Jesus wants for us.

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Message: “Firsthand Faith” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Where do you seek “the good life”? Romance? Career? Kids? Sports? Money? Attention? But what if you discovered that these things only flourish fully when lived in light of the greatest thing? In Colossians, we see Jesus Christ exalted above all else. When our lives are connected to Christ, we are “made alive together” to experience new humanity, new freedom, new identity, new character, new relationships. In this series, we are asking one revolutionary question: is Jesus Christ first in your life?

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