Message: “The Hospitality of Eternity” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Welcome Home: God, Hospitality, & How to Change the World.” When you consider hospitality, you probably have a single event in mind — a meal, a party, a get together with friends. In the Bible, we see an invitation from God to enjoy his eternal hospitality forever. There is no invite more valuable, no provision more ready, and no celebration more extravagant — yet the consequences are great for those who refuse to come to the table of God’s grace.

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Message: “The Hospitality of Friendship” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Welcome Home: God, Hospitality, & How to Change the World.” Jesus was known as the friend of sinners. As we follow Jesus’ example, this role shapes both our beliefs and our practices. In this sermon, we will explore how you and I can befriend those around us in deeper, more meaningful ways.

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Message: “The Hospitality of Initiation” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Welcome Home: God, Hospitality, & How to Change the World.” Relationships start with a simple reality: someone has to go first. Whether it is a walk across the room, a message to get together, or asking for a person’s name, someone must initiate. This week, we watch Jesus as he initiates a new connection with Zacchaeus, a man who most considered an unlikely candidate for friendship with Jesus.

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Message: “The Hospitality of Attention” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Welcome Home: God, Hospitality, & How to Change the World.” In our busy-sick world, hurry and worry often distract us from the most important things like love of neighbor, which requires us to stop and take notice of another person’s worth. This week, we will see the power of giving our full attention to others.

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Message: “The Hospitality of Life” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Welcome Home: God, Hospitality, & How to Change the World.” Does this sound like you? You long for a meaningful life and deep relationships with others. You feel a little guilty about not having more time for others, but life feels too busy chasing the next thing—next text, next meeting, next sporting event, next career move.

Maybe it’s time to reclaim an ancient idea. 2000 years ago, an invitation was given: “Love your neighbor.” The old word for this is hospitality. When you study the way Jesus lived, it’s amazing how many significant moments occurred as he encountered men and women in the everyday stuff of life. Join us for this series about the simplest way to change the world. It worked then. It will work now.

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Message: “Taking the Baton” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” In our journey through the book of Acts, we’ve seen how the church was born, how it grew, and how it thrived in the face of strong opposition. We saw God make hearts glad by the gospel, and the church became bold in mission. This week, we wrap up our series with a call to take the torch of the gospel forward in our day.

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Message: “Finding the Signal” from Caleb Holmes

A message from the series “Stand Alone.” Our world is filled with distractions that can keep even the most devoted follower of Jesus from the kind of daily connection to God we long for. The good news is that Jesus gave us a model of life to follow that leads to deep, meaningful, and restful life in him. Join us this Sunday as we lean into how it is that we model our lives after Jesus’ life.

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Message: “A Non-Anxious Presence in a Shipwreck World” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Is it reasonable to be confident in God when our circumstances feel chaotic? In Acts, we read that God sent Paul to Rome to share the message about Jesus, yet his journey includes traveling as a prisoner, a horrifying storm at sea, a life-threatening shipwreck, and a dangerous bite from a venomous snake. This week, we explore how to live as a non-anxious presence in a challenging world.

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Message: “The Way of the Cross” from Jeff Lawrence

A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” What comes to mind when you think about power? Our world often associates it with influence, authority, strength, control, recognition, importance. But what if Jesus showed that we had it all wrong? What if he turned everything upside-down? This week, we learn from Paul how to walk in the way of Jesus in a world that rejects it.

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