Message: “Deep, Meaningful Devotion” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Deep, Meaningful Life.” The clean calendar of a new year invites us to renew and refocus our lives. This January, we will survey the New Testament Gospels to see how Jesus develops people to flourish as his followers. We are investing the entire month in you: your devotion, your development, your connection, and your expansion of God’s love in our world. This is a great time for everyday people — just like you and me — to wake up to deep, meaningful life in Christ.
Read MoreMessage: “New Year’s Eve PJ Sunday” from Chace Ifland
A message from the series “Deep, Meaningful Life.” A short reflection on Psalm 1 as we wind down 2023 and usher in 2024.
Read MoreMessage: “Christmas Eve at Redemption” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Watch & See.”
Read MoreMessage: “Watch and See: The Innkeeper” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Watch & See.” When you read about the birth of Christ, perhaps no one had a front row seat like the Innkeeper. He first told Mary and Joseph that there was no room at the inn, and then he showed them into the courtyard where the animals were kept. This week, we will consider the arrival of Jesus through the eyes of the Innkeeper as we consider the importance of seeing — really seeing — the significance of Jesus’ birth for our lives and our world.
Read MoreMessage: “Watch and See: Gabriel and Mary” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Watch & See.” Have you ever found God’s plans wild and weird and wonderful, all at the same time? This week, we will see the Christmas story from the surprising perspective of the angel Gabriel. He was the one God chose to tell an innocent teenager, Mary, that she would give birth to a Savior son. Were these words easy for an angel to speak? Were the eyes of the angel alive with wonder as he watched these long-awaited events unfold in God’s good time?
Read MoreMessage: “Watch & See: Joseph” from Chris Clark
A message from the series “Watch & See.” Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah foretold of the virgin birth of a son to be called Immanuel (which means, “God with us”). This week will look at the story of the birth of Christ through the lens of Joseph. What can we learn about Joseph that might open our eyes to the greater wonder of this familiar Christmas story?
Read MoreMessage: “Watch & See: The Wise Men” from Chace Ifland
A message from the series “Watch & See.” Like nothing else in human history, Christmas combines the cosmic marvel of God’s salvation plan unfolding in time, and at the same moment, the most intimate and personal of human interactions surrounding the birth of a little boy. Join us this Christmas season as we zoom in for a close up look at Christmas from the perspective of the wisemen, Joseph, the angel Gabriel, the innkeeper, and the multitudes of the heavenly host. Through their eyes, we are invited to watch and see the miracle and the mystery of Jesus’ birth.
Read MoreMessage: “Alive in the Mission of God” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” How should Christians relate to those who are outsiders to Christian faith? This is an important question, especially in our complex and often contentious times. In these verses, Paul closes his letter with a call to be fully alive in gospel mission to the world around us as we prayerfully, wisely, and winsomely make the most of every opportunity.
Read MoreMessage: “New Creations at Home and Work” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” How does new life in Christ affect our relationships? This week, we explore the ways in which being made alive together in Christ works out in everyday life — in our family and in our work. When Jesus is at the center of our relational world, it transforms and reorders everything under his leadership.
Read MoreMessage: “Growing Up in Christ, Part 3” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Alive Together: A Study of Colossians.” Most of us want to grow spiritually, but how exactly are we supposed to go about it? Over these four weeks, we will seek to answer this question and help you move toward spiritual maturity with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we talk about reasonable and unreasonable expectations for our spiritual growth.
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