Message: “Is Jesus Lord?” from Chace Ifland
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” The phrase “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” gets used often in our world, both inside the church and even in cultural settings like award acceptance speeches and post-game interviews. It’s an easy phrase to throw around, but it’s not always an easy truth to live by. In Acts 19 we see several stories that show Jesus as both Savior and Lord, and invite us to recognize him as Savior and Lord in our own lives!
Read MoreMessage: “Real-time Discipleship” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Most of us have ideas about how we want life to work, but our reality rarely looks like our plans. In Acts 18, we see how God brings real-time growth in the midst of real messes. What if we learned to see “church” as a group of friends who walk alongside us in the mess and help us understand the way of God more deeply?
Read MoreMessage: “Bridges and Barriers” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” As Christians who live in a complex time, it can be confusing how to feel about our world. On the one hand, we see brokenness that leads to frustration. On the other hand, we see beauty in people made in the image of God, and we are filled with compassion. This weekend, we will study how Paul engages in spiritual conversation with the culture-makers of his day to see how the gospel creates both bridges and barriers.
Read MoreMessage: “A More Noble People ” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Spiritual growth isn’t automatic. Different groups have different reactions to Jesus’ message. Some refuse. Some receive. This is why Paul reasoned, explained, and persuaded people with the Scriptures, and this is why some eagerly examined the Scriptures daily for themselves. This week, let’s embrace the noble task of centering our lives in the Word of God.
Read MoreMessage: “How Jesus Changes Lives ” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Can Jesus change your life? Acts 16 shares several compelling case studies in gospel transformation: the influence of a mother and grandmother, the conversion of a successful and entrepreneurial woman, a young slave girl oppressed both spiritually and financially, and a jailer in the immediate aftermath of his failure. Join us as we learn from these stories of life-change.
Read MoreMessage: “When Good People Get Sideways ” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Disagreements happen to the best of us. Whether you are talking about friendships, teammates, co-workers, or families, we all experience conflict in one way or another. In Acts 15, we see a sorrowful parting of two great leaders. Paul and Barnabas served together, bled together, and walked together as friends for years, then a disagreement drove a wedge between them. Join us as we explore how God works in the messiness.
Read MoreMessage: “By Grace Alone” from Chace Ifland
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” As we progress through Acts, the Church is exploding among Gentiles but tensions between Jews and Gentiles are rising to the surface. Contrary to the teaching Paul and Barnabas, some Jews are telling Gentiles that they must be circumcised and keep the Old Testament law in order to be saved. These tensions lead to the first historic Church council where nothing less than the core message of Christianity is on the line as the Church debates the question, How is someone saved?
Read MoreMessage: “Fickle Crowds, Faithful Disciples” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Whenever the grace and truth of Christ enters new places to engage new people, we see a variety of responses. Some receive this message with joy. Others reject it with animosity. Opinions in our world can flip-flop from curiosity to animosity moment-by-moment. In the midst of fickle crowds, the church is called to grow faithful disciples who live under the good care of the living God.
Read MoreMessage: “But God Raised Him Up” from Jeff Lawrence
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” When asked if he had any word of encouragement for people, Paul immediately talked about the resurrection of Jesus. He knew that understanding the importance of this single event to your own life is the only way to comprehend Christian faith. It has been said, “If the resurrection is real, nothing else matters. And if the resurrection is not real, then nothing else matters.” Everything hinges on this.
Read MoreMessage: “Colaboring with God in Prayer” from Chace Ifland
A message from the series “Acts – Glad Hearts, Bold Church .” Do you ever wonder if God is sovereign why do we need to pray? Or whether or not your prayers make any difference in the world? Prayer is a mystery that we’ll never fully wrap our minds around but the Bible teaches that our prayers do matter and that our prayers are one of the means God uses to bring about his purposes in the world.
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