
We are here to serve you and to help you grow. Our hope is to provide resources that will inform your mind and inspire your heart. We seek to create biblical, helpful and honest resources to help people meet Jesus and to grow as authentic followers of Jesus in the everyday stuff of life.


Community | Redemption Groups

September 28, 2017

An invitation to community. We want to connect you to a Redemption Group so you can learn, laugh, challenge, struggle, pray, serve and share life with one another. We all have a…

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A Call to Fast – Fasting Resources

September 20, 2017

Let’s seek God together! We are calling our church to a day of fasting and prayer. For those who can participate with us, we will begin at Noon on Thursday,…

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Stay Awake – A Continuation of Mark’s Gospel

September 2, 2017

In Mark 10-13, we see a call to stay awake to the things of God. From the story of Blind Bartimaeus who receives his sight through Jesus’ wake up call about being ready for the end,…

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