Is Jesus Lord? – Acts 19:1-41: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Ephesus – Ephesus was a prominent Roman city known for its large amphitheater, which could hold around 25,000 people, and its temple to Artemis, which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Artemis – Artemis was a goddess portrayed in both Greek and Roman mythology (called Diana by…

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How Jesus Changes Lives – Acts 16:1-40: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Timothy – Timothy was from Lystra in Asia Minor and was born to a Jewish mother and Gentile father. His mother Eunice and grandmother Lois were both Christians (2 Timothy 1:5) and prepared him for a life of faith (2 Tim 3:15). Timothy joined Paul when Paul travelled to his hometown…

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Christmas Day Reflection Guide

We’ve put together a reflection guide you can use to reflect on the birth of Christ on Christmas morning. We hope this guide will help you focus your heart and mind on Jesus this Christmas. You can download both a print version and a phone version below: Phone Version Print Version

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Full of Faith and Spirit – Acts 6:8-7:60: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Covenant of circumcision – A term used to refer to the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 17 that Abraham would have a son with Sarah and become the father of a multitude of nations; circumcision was a sign to the people of this promise. Son of Man – A…

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Heroes in the Church – Acts 6:1-15: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Hellenists – Jews whose families had previously lived outside of Jerusalem, and therefore spoke Greek and were largely influenced by Greek culture, but who were now living in Jerusalem. Daily distribution – Only mentioned in Acts 6:1, but evidently a regular practice of the Early Church to care for widows, who…

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The Hero of the Church – Acts 5:12-42: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms An angel of the Lord – Greek angelos kyriou (“a messenger of the Lord”); although the word angelos simply means “messenger,” in the New Testament the term angelos kyriou always refers to angels, not merely human messengers. Gamaliel – A prominent Pharisee who was a member of the Sanhedrin (the Jewish…

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Built Up or Broken Down? – Acts 4:32-5:11: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms The resurrection of the Lord Jesus – A historical event in which Jesus was raised from the dead. This event is central to the teaching of the apostles in the book of Acts (see Acts 1:22, 2:31, 4:33, 23:6, & 26:23). One heart and soul – The first century Greco-Roman hearer…

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Bold Prayers – Acts 4:23-31: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Herod and Pontius Pilate – The two Roman officials men primarily responsible for questioning and executing Jesus. Herod was the ruler of Galilee, where Jesus was from, and Pilate was the ruler of Judea, where Jesus was arrested. Chief Priests and Elders – These were Jewish leaders who enjoyed a great…

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