Growing Up In Christ – Growing Up In Christ: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Right hand of God – In ancient culture, the right hand signified the place of honor and prominence (e.g. 1 Kgs 2:19). This language of sitting at the right hand of God (v. 1) comes from Ps 110:1 and is used of Jesus’ position throughout the NT (e.g. Acts 2:33-34, Heb…

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Common Mistakes Spiritual Seekers Make – Colossians 2:16-23: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Festival/new moon/Sabbath – These are Jewish holy days found in the OT with the Sabbath being a weekly celebration, new moons a monthly celebration, and festivals as annual celebrations. Shadow – With this term Paul is using a popular image from Greek philosophy of a “shadow” and corresponding “substance.” Plato famously…

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Alive Together – Colossians 2:6-15: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Elemental spirits – This term literally means “fundamental components” and was used to refer to things like letters in the alphabet, notes of a musical scale, or air, fire, and water (i.e. basic components of the physical world). For Paul, there was no separation between the material and spiritual realms of…

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Theology in Life – Colossians 1:24-2:5: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Filling up what is lacking – This is a potentially confusing phrase from Col 1:24. Paul cannot be saying that Jesus’ afflictions were not sufficient for forgiveness of sins and salvation because that would contradict Col 1:22 & 2:13-14. His point seems to be that on the cross Jesus didn’t end…

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First Over All – Colossians 1:15-23:Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Image of the invisible God – This term image was commonly used in the ancient world to refer to objects that represented gods or the likeness of Caesar that was stamped on items such as coins. For many Jews in Paul’s day, the “image” of God had also become associated with…

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Real-time Discipleship – Acts 18:1-28:Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Corinth – A prominent Greek city approximately 40 miles west of Athens. Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half and wrote two NT letters (1 & 2 Corinthians) to the church there. Aquila and Priscilla – Aquila was a Jewish man from Asia Minor and Priscilla was a…

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Bridges and Barriers – Acts 17:16-34: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Athens – The home of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Athens was a leading intellectual city. What stands out to Paul, though, is that the city was full of idols (v. 16). The word translated full is not used elsewhere in the NT or other Greek literature, but conveys the idea of…

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A More Noble People – Acts 17:1-15: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Thessalonica and Berea – Two cities located in 1st century Macedonia and modern-day Greece. Paul wrote two of his NT letters (1 and 2 Thessalonians) to the church in Thessalonica. The Christ – The focus of Paul’s preaching in Thessalonica and Berea is that Jesus is the Christ (or Messiah). Many 1st century…

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When Good People Get Sideways – Acts 15:36-41: Reflection Guide

Reflection Guide Key Terms Every city – In his first missionary journey, Paul travelled to the island of Cyprus and through many of the major towns in southern Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). On this next journey, Paul will travel through southern Asian Minor, visiting the churches he helped plant, before continuing on to Macedonia…

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